If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

"It has been a profoundly transformational experience for me. I almost can't believe the progress I've made in the past nine months."
-Group Participant

In Real Life
Men are acculturated to solve problems, not to find out how we’re feeling. We’re taught that “men take charge," but we can struggle with taking responsibility. And while we are coached to “suck it up” when we fall, we're seldom taught to reach out for help when we really need it.
IRL Men is forging an alternative path, a path of interdependence in community. We offer a space you can count on week after week, as you practice new ways of being with fellow group members.
In our groups, we provide both support and challenge, because both are necessary to help you grow. If you're up for the challenge, come join us in an exciting, edge-of-your-seat journey on a path to greater fulfillment.
IRL Men's groups are open to anyone that identifies as male, including cis and trans men. We strive to make our groups inclusive spaces and welcome people from all racial and ethnic backgrounds.
"It blew my mind how comfortable this can feel, especially because of how wary I was before starting.
Being in this group has been so helpful...who knew?!"
- Group Participant
Name, Title
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Troy Piwowarski, PsyD
Certified Group Psychotherapist

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Brian Thompson, MFT
Certified Group Psychotherapist
Brian is a light-hearted, somatic therapist who isn't afraid of, nor unfamiliar with the sometimes scary & uncomfortable feelings our life's journey can bring.
Brian has a background in dance, yoga, stand up comedy and basketball. He has studied group process in a variety of contexts for the past two decades.

Thomas Kim, MFT
Tom is a relational therapist and a Bay Area native. He is also a faculty member with the Psychotherapy Institute's Group Therapy Training Program (TPI). His path to caring about feelings started with a heavy distrust of them. Group showed him something new, and he has since been hooked. He is passionate about being in nature, singing, and cooking and sharing delicious meals.

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Troy Piwowarski, PsyD
Certified Group Psychotherapist
Troy is an existential therapist with a private practice in Berkeley, CA. He served as Clinical Training Director at the Existential-Humanistic Institute and continues to train therapists through consultation and supervision. Beyond his passion for group work, Troy is also a visual artist and loves biking, chess, and a good sweaty ping-pong match.
Current groups
We offer a range of weekly therapy groups led and supervised by Certified Group Therapists

16-Week Men's Support Group
with Brian
Wednesdays 7:30 - 9:00pm PST
Online weekly 3x per month, 1x per month in-person in Berkeley, CA
East-Asian Men's Process Group
with Tom
Wednesdays 5:45 - 6:15pm PST
On Zoom
16-Week Men's Support Group
with Tom
Thursdays 6:00 - 7:30pm PST
On Zoom

Men's Process Group
with Troy
Tuesdays 5:30 - 7:00pm PST
In-person in Berkeley, CA

Men's Process Group
with Brian & Troy
Wednesdays 5:15 - 6:45pm PST
Online weekly 3x per month + 1x per month in person in Berkeley, CA + 3 Day Annual Retreat

Men's Process Group
with Brian
Thursdays 2:30 - 4:00pm PST
On Zoom

Men's Process Group
with Brian
Tuesdays 5:00 - 630pm PST
Online weekly + 2 in-person annual retreats in Berkeley, CA

Men's Process Group
with Brian & Troy
Thursdays 5:15 - 6:45pm PST
Online weekly 3x per month + 1x per month in person in Berkeley, CA + 3 Day Annual Retreat
"I'm seeing real guys sharing real feelings, and it's vindicating. It's a big relief to have a place where I am free to be real too."
- Group Participant (after 4 sessions)
500 Terry Francois Street, San Francisco, CA 94158
OUR OFfice:
3120 Telegraph Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94705
IRL Groups stands in solidarity with LGBTQ rights and Black Lives Matter

Looking for an individual or couples therapist?
Check out our expanded offerings at IRLTHERAPY.COM
Group therapy is making waves!
“Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now.”
-Paulo Coelho